Wednesday, June 1, 2011

amor a dios

amor a dios. amor de dios
  • amor de dios

  • achie25
    Oct 27, 07:04 AM
    [QUOTE=longofest]The interface is slick, but it is slow as a tortise. Maybe they are still bringing additional servers online, but I hope the speed improves...


    I agree. Using it on my work PC and IE. And it is really slow.

    amor a dios. El colegio Amor de Dios de
  • El colegio Amor de Dios de

  • mabaker
    Apr 14, 02:39 PM
    He is a spy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    amor a dios. El amor de Dios y el
  • El amor de Dios y el

  • spazzcat
    Jan 4, 01:19 PM
    i can't comment on the USA, but in the UK the data coverage can vary substantially. The best voice network is not always the best data network. O2 for example have a good voice network in the UK, but are by far the worst for 3G coverage.

    I can't see how this type of set up could work for people who rely on GPS on a daily basis, weekend travellers maybe, but not people who rely on GPS for their jobs

    If you drive for work, there is a good chance you drive in the same areas, I can't see this app not caching maps.

    amor a dios. Dios es Amor
  • Dios es Amor

  • Lesser Evets
    Apr 5, 10:34 AM
    Seems a bit early to have a finished iPT 5 hanging around. It's not on market for 6 months.

    That's because it is capacitive, meaning it is a surface that senses the ouch, not an actual button.

    Thanks for that explanation. I was curious about the term and how it was used.

    I always question the sanity of people who claim to question other peoples sanity of ridiculous things. :cool:
    I question everything and people say I am insane.


    amor a dios. verzo de amor de dios
  • verzo de amor de dios

  • weckart
    Nov 17, 04:47 PM
    sorry, but I will never put a case on my iPhone. It was made to look sexy as it is, naked.

    Cases just ruin it.

    I put a case on mine to hide the fugly. Sorry, but the iPhone 4 is anything but good looking.

    amor a dios. El Amor de Dios,
  • El Amor de Dios,

  • firestarter
    May 3, 04:22 PM
    Not all lives are "equal". One life of an important financial worker who perished at WTC might be worth more than 1000 soldiers. That's the order of society. A soldier's life is meant to be sacrificed to protect the worker. Some "warriors" are born to be this way, like army ants. The worker is more important because he makes guns to put into the hands of new soldiers. And of course, as you may have noticed, many of the front line (infantry) consists of would be rejects of society that have been conditioned and given a chance to serve a greater purpose than to become delinquents or menial workers that they would have been. "Unimportant Lives" in the big picture despite what their own families think of them. That's the unwritten rule.

    I disagree with the difference you're placing between financial workers and soldiers. For all the financial workers lost in the twin towers, others were keen to get in to the industry and take their places. Take Cantor Fitzgerald - almost wiped out by the attack (638 employees killed), it didn't take them long to rebound (,8599,1891774,00.html).

    I was on the phone to colleagues in 7 world trade on the day of the attack, and talked with them later about their experience (quite a few took the opportunity to 'reappraise their lives' and stepped away from the industry). They were replaced by others just as good, and our computer systems which were wiped out when the building fell were back on line in hours/days.

    People are very resilient and soon bounce back from things like terrorist attacks. Useless waste, pork barrel 'homeland security' projects, 'traffic light' security levels and ongoing war create a steady wearying depression on a country - and I think the negative effect of that has been out of all proportion of the attack.


    amor a dios. Calle Amor de Dios. Madrid
  • Calle Amor de Dios. Madrid

  • melchior
    Jan 6, 05:31 PM
    still waiting for facebook to sync actual information like phone numbers and email addresses... now that would be handy!

    agreed. i wish there was a way to do this automatically.

    anyone know an app?

    amor a dios. amor a dios
  • amor a dios

  • steeleclipse
    Sep 18, 11:32 PM
    If you survived reading that entire installment, I commend you.
    If you have reached the end without reading the middle, that is quite fine, just give your advice on how to talk to women.

    the most common trait that women look for (so i have been told) from a first impression is self confidence. Walk proud (not cocky), smile (genuinely) and own your surroundings (look comfortable). Dress approriately, being well kept and neat.

    You say you have a friend that doesnt know about Macs, so bring him to the store, and make sure that she notices you informing him about the benefits of a mac, not in a cocky way like some do, but rather in a way that will make him want to switch. If she notices this, you now have a common interest. Thats assuming that she enjoys working be at the Apple store, but it is a pretty safe bet considering most mac employees do.

    When she walks by you, forget something about the product you are describing to your friend, and ask her to take it from there. Making her feel important for something other than her physical attributes is key.

    Praise her for her help and that fact that she is well informed. Make sure she knows that her intervention changed a decision or outlook. Everyone wants to be influential in some way.

    Hopefully by then, you can steer the conversation towards finding another reason that you two should run into each other again. That DOES NOT mean to ask her out or for her number, but rather find out when they have a good class going on, when coincidentally she is working. Humble yourself, and take a iMovie class or two if it results in you bumping into her again.

    If you do get a chance to talk to her again, BE CREATIVE! Send her an instant message on iChat from across the store... save her from a masked man robbing the store at gun...., well you get the picture.

    Lastly, Dont get to into detail in this post... there is a possibly she or one of her co-workers cruises the macrumors forums, and she could find this really creepy or really cool :D

    I sincerely apologize if I have repeated anything that someone else has said
    but I think its really cool that you reached out to a community that usually deals with computer questions. :D


    amor a dios. Amor De Dios Boutique
  • Amor De Dios Boutique

  • Ca$hflow
    Mar 24, 03:02 PM
    I can't wait till iPad2 is released in Canada.:D I'm already noticing ipad1 dropping like a rock.:cool: What is weird with the iPad is that it is dramatically loosing its value. A fan boy told me once that apple products hold their value.:rolleyes:

    amor a dios. verzo de amor de dios
  • verzo de amor de dios

  • OdduWon
    Oct 10, 11:41 AM
    Is this an extra MacBook model in addition to the other MacBooks?
    it will be called macboo and come in dingy white and instead of "moo's" we will hear.... Boos?


    amor a dios. El amor de Dios no es algo que
  • El amor de Dios no es algo que

  • vniow
    Sep 13, 05:34 PM
    This has nothing to do with Macs, or it might depending on which rumors you believe, but AMD's Clawhammer is coming out in the first quarter of 2003 and will likely be marketed as a 3400+ which would be higher than the PV at 3.2 Ghz. However, unless this chip gets used in the next Powermac revision (not likely, I know, but possible) then IBM better get that almost-too-good-to-be-true-Power4-mini-me out fast. I'm going to wait until October to see IBM's roadmap for any further speculation though. :)

    click or I'll hammer you (

    amor a dios. EL AMOR DE DIOS SOBRE SU

  • res1233
    Apr 26, 01:58 AM
    I hope Lion will mark the end of DVD drives in all Macs ... they can be an additional option so that whoever needs one can pay for it - I don't have any need for it and Lion should be available as download and USB stick. I haven't bought any software on DVD in ages - I will always opt for downloads - DVD is a technology from the last century.

    Hmm, something is wrong with my memory or math ... last time I checked the MacBook Air was the cheapest laptop from Apple and has the USB included - all the more expensive laptops have old fashioned DVDs.

    I agree. The most problematic components in a computer in general are the mechanical ones, and at this point, the only mechanical component that most likely will never be removed is the fan. Mobile devices on the other hand have even done away with that. These are interesting times. I rarely ever use the optical drive anymore, in fact, I have not used it in months... There is simply no reason to. Virtually all software is available online via the mac app store or some site somewhere, and the only things i use the drive for anymore are OS restores from time machine. If Apple were to provide a restore partition with the default install of Lion, then that would be it. No more DVD drive.


    amor a dios. amor de dios
  • amor de dios

  • Popeye206
    Apr 13, 05:00 AM
    Well, I can get 22% off a Verizon plan, that sort of thing might matter. Although, I don't want a 3G iPad, matter to me.

    * Also, crap DNS speed really throws many people for surfing, anyway. The internet's dirty little secret. I wonder how many millions don't realize they could be faster by typing a couple digits into setup.

    Jat.... didn't know this. Made the change and not sure about speed, but it fixed another issue I had where one of my business partner web sites was getting blocked. Thanks for the tip!

    amor a dios. del Colegio Amor de Dios,
  • del Colegio Amor de Dios,

  • kamil97
    Apr 19, 06:55 AM
    I'm not buying a tablet until there is one that runs mac OS X (the modbook is too expensive) :D


    amor a dios. Priti: placer en Dios.
  • Priti: placer en Dios.

  • h1r0ll3r
    Apr 12, 01:35 PM
    They actually confirmed that one. Turns out you can polish it :D

    Yes. Jamie got his to a mirror shine. Almost looked like a marble :p

    But back to Office. I still prefer the Windows version however the Mac version is starting to grow on me. Were it not for MS CRM that I use at work, I could finally be rid of Windows once and for all. But, alas, no dice. Love how CRM works ONLY with IE.

    amor a dios. amorRegaloDiosPinkCorazon.jpg
  • amorRegaloDiosPinkCorazon.jpg

  • batchtaster
    Apr 5, 12:17 PM
    This is the primary design flaw with the iPad. This tablet can't be the normal person's computer unless every normal person has a tech friend/relative to keep the tablet working/updated. So while Woz is correct that the tablet will be the normal person's computer, Apple's iPad is not yet that tablet.

    What iPad user can't figure out how to use iTunes to sync the thing? My 65-year old mother figured out how to sync her iPod classic. How is iPad syncing any different or more complicated than what people have been doing for a decade? iPad does not require a tech genius - or 12 year old kid - to keep it working.


    amor a dios. frente al amor de Dios
  • frente al amor de Dios

  • fourthtunz
    Feb 19, 05:19 PM
    You know how you can turn your iPhone onto airplane mode? Most likely, especially with such a hot topic as this, you will be able to turn your RFID on and off, because as you remember, you are in control here. Phones also tend to be customizable. Right now based on size only (hd). Once again, with a topic like this, you will most likely be able to request no RFID in the phone.

    Or, imagine this, if you don't like it, don't buy it. Simply go buy a different phone. The problem has been solved. Amazing.

    If you're worried about the government know that you're a gaining weight because the pants your buying are larger than the last ones, maybe you should look at your self esteem, or maybe you have a weight problem. Try spending less time complaining on the internet and more time on your feet.

    Either way, let them put RFID tags in. Lets advance to Japans level of technology. We here in America are so closed minded and paranoid. If you're so paraniod about the government knowing that you're buying things you shouldn't, don't bring your phone in the store, or don't do illegal activities.

    And lastly, some of you are worried that advertisers will target people. As human beings (real live) we have freedom of choice. We don't have to listen to ads, and we can buy what we want. Develop a little self control. I don't want to see tampon ads when I am watching the game with the guys, it would be great if we had audience only oriented ads.

    So, quit buying dirty magazines, bomb making materials, listening to every ad, and thinking that we have it all here in America, and then maybe embrace that Apple thinks like a human being a little more than the average corperation.

    Cheers Apple heads!

    How much does the Gov pay you?
    That was a very well written first post!
    Am I worried about the Gov knowing that I've gained weight?
    Um no.
    Read some history about our country.
    Read the history about our Federal Reserve(Private Bank)
    Read the patriot act.

    I am not worried about a thing. Go ahead, keep believing what you want.
    I can see where our country is headed, I will not trust our government for anything.

    amor a dios. Cuánto vale el AMOR de DIOS
  • Cuánto vale el AMOR de DIOS

  • shingi70
    Mar 8, 12:05 PM
    smugmug or flickr

    amor a dios. del Amor de Dios” donde
  • del Amor de Dios” donde

  • TEG
    Apr 5, 05:32 PM
    I believe he's referring to headsets that don't have the audio in and out jack combined into one ( The line-in port on Macs does not have any power to support a microphone. This is why the Griffin iMic exists.

    Since the Mic port turned into Line-In, there hasn't been any power on the port, requiring a powered input or amp. However, on the Headset jacks that support the iPhone mic on them, do have a built-in mic, even on the MacBook, but only when using the 3rd sleeve that the iPhone mic cable has.


    Apr 12, 05:20 PM
    The update, which weighs?

    Weight is other thing. The update has a size of...

    Let's use the English language correctly.

    FYI: it's an expression. LOL.

    OMG, who didn't know that. ( :D

    Mar 13, 02:36 PM
    Not fine for me. I've tried resetting multiple times. Nothing works.

    Apr 8, 09:12 AM
    Everything I've been reading is saying that it is the riders and not the actual budget that some GOP members are holding out on. It is more about cutting off PPH then the actual budget reduction...

    That's so disgusting.

    Oct 10, 05:30 PM
    Intel's line doesn't leave much room for a bump... unless Apple is going to use the Core and Core 2 processors as a product differential. Talk about gay considering the two kinds of chips costs pretty much the same.
    theres almost no difference in processor speed between the MB and MBP now. it would be smart for mini and Mb's to core 2 also since there the same price. but it's hotter and duo works so maybe just MBP tommorrow.

    Jun 18, 09:27 PM
    Any benchmarks on read/write speeds with these �ber SD cards?
    Most are class 6 or about 6MB/s, some are class 10 or about 10MB/s. The fastest are around 30MB/s but that costs over $200 for a 32GB card.

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