Saturday, June 25, 2011

avril lavigne 2002

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  • coopheal
    07-02 07:03 AM
    Doing more than what IV suggest is good. If you personally take responsibility and make the online petition a success, great... and best luck.
    IV core has set their priorities after considerable thinking so please dont be upset if they dont involve in this.

    I agree and I support. maybe as some have said that online don't have the same impact ..but there is no harm in doing something extra. also, we will be able to get more supporters for online especially if we send the links to our respective friends, batchmates etc

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  • optimystic
    03-17 03:36 PM
    What I am saying is spill over from ROW goes to EB2 first. It does not split to EB2 and EB3 evenly. So more people from EB2 gets visa granted and thus people who joined EB2 bandwagon from EB3 and had earlier PD, they get Visa quickly. Now generally this spillover does not go to EB3 from EB2 having high demand from EB2 and thus EB3 get stuck with conventional numbers with 7% country limit and thus EB3 numbers move slowly. But if that spillover happens for both EB3 and 2 equally than EB3 can also move little bit quickly which is not the case. Thus shortening the queue by switching over to EB2 does not give full advantage to remained lot of EB3.

    Bottom line, people moving away from EB3 to EB2 queue does provide relief to people remaining in the EB3 queue. Since now there's 'x' less number of people competing for the 7% visa numbers.

    Its a different matter that the spillover from ROW is going to benefit EB2 queue more than it does EB3. But that's a different point. And in fact, if EB2 starts moving faster because of this spill over, hopefully more Eb3 people jump ship to Eb2 queue . In that case the ROW spillover is indirectly going to help people who stay back in Eb3 queue.

    As for myself, I have Eb3 India PD of May 2001, which is very close to the front of the queue. So none of this queue jumping or spillover will affect my status much :) . On the other hand the USCIS' ability to sanely act in a FIFO order does ! But thats impervious to any external factors :)

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  • ramus
    07-02 08:16 PM

    Thank you.. Please ask other members to contribute... put post in main thred on home page...

    Confirmation Number: 34850160M9463882Y.

    Thanks and keep up the good work - Sashi

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  • sunnymit
    07-13 03:44 PM
    Same boat as you! Legally in this country for more than 11 years! Hope they approve on time. Debating whether to extend the EAD or wait for the card

    I wouldn't think of not renewing my EAD if I were you. Of course I don't know your case details, but if your EAD is expiring anytime soon, just renew it. Its worth the $380 or so you will have to shell out. Not to dishearten you (or myself) but I know someone who has been waiting to get a GC and he has a PD of Jun 2001. u never know how long it might take...


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  • ashwin_27
    06-13 12:10 AM
    If this has not been done already..a good idea might be to spread this message among the hundreds of International Student (including Indian/Chinese) associations. They are already having trouble entering as graduates into a tough job market and this anti-H1B proposal will only make things additional incentive for students to join this IV initiative. I will forward to my alma mater and couple of other student associations I am aware of.

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  • Jaime
    09-11 04:39 PM
    Once for all, let's get this thing over NOW!!!


    Well Said! The Time is NOW guys! Later will be just too late! Thing of your future and your children's future!!! Everyone to DC!!!!!!!!!!


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  • vdlrao
    09-26 02:43 PM
    Dear Reader,

    Thank you for your interest in FSB. We admit that there was a
    mischaracterization of the Capitol Hill rally in the story and it was
    corrected as soon we realized the error.

    We have changed the story to correctly identify the mission as a protest of
    the long delays in securing green cards for highly-skilled workers already
    in the U.S.

    We will work to avoid errors like this in the future.

    Best regards,


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  • MDix
    02-11 06:56 PM

    Calm down, PresidenO gave you good comment and you got carried away thinking that President Obama praise you. Just vent your frustration somewhere else.


    I saw your past comment and it seems like you have an Attitude problem.

    If something your are not agree or disagree that's fine but there is now way to go this far.

    Thanks so much for your kind words.

    I don't blame readers who start making noise without basic verification. Most people have difficulty understanding the difference between cap and quota Or Permanent job vs W2 job.

    Not a legal advice.


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  • GCard_Dream
    12-13 01:18 PM
    I am sure this topic will come up again and again when new members join. We recently had quite a few (over a thousand) new members join IV and as the word gets around, there will be even more interest in IV and new members/non-members will visit the site and ask questions. I don't think we should expect everyone (new or old members) to know everything that was discussed in this forum from day one. That's not practical.

    Every few days I see a new thread that is asking for information on how to change from EB3 to EB2. There are literally hundred or so threads that talks about this issue yet still new threads pop up regularly asking the same info. This is bound to happen and can't be stopped.

    If you know that a topic has been covered somewhere, making a link available would be very helpful. If you think that a certain topic is brought up on a regular basis, may be we should make that thread sticky or have that information on homepage or somewhere where it's easily accessible.

    We can always argue that members can do their own search on the forum. While that's true, if we know the answer and can quickly make that available to members, I think we'll be doing a service to our members. Just a thought.

    All , this subject has been raised very often and every time new members join in they start a thread and start questioning it.

    - IV has indepth explored and studied this option and have found that this change is not possible administratively.
    - we have not just met a lawyer. we have met few lawyers. we also have communicated with USCIS in the past.
    - In the past some administrative changes have been done by USCIS, but this change cannot be done by them. All, we already had this idea long long ago and we also thought that why dont we do it if it so simple and then we dont have to go through all the legislative hurdles. But NO it cannot be done by USCIS.
    - Faxing USCIS will not work. USCIS does not take policy decisions. We need to approach policy makers to get it done and that is what we are doing. By coming up with ideas, endlessly discussing despite explaination by IV and not working with IV action items we will all go in divergent directions and lose focus on the main action items we want each every member should focus. If you really feel for some idea and want to help, instead of asking IV to give explanation to every question on the forum, contact any of the active IV core members on the forum and bounce ideas. We need people with ideas and also same people willing to work on them too.
    - If it was possible to get it done administratively, then in the current Skil bill push we would have/ and lawmakers would also have just asked USCIS to implement it.

    Hope this explains this topic. Thanks

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  • Imigrait
    02-04 12:48 PM
    Sorry to hear about your situation.
    Short answer to your question in BOLD is Yes.

    Please go through this thread for further details. Also, use the search function to find further details on this forum for answer to rest of your questions.


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  • sprash
    01-30 01:51 PM
    Hi had an RFE when my dates were not current. Here is the scan of my RFE notice.
    Hope the scan helps you prepare in advance the necessary documentation.

    I had discussed this in the following thread:

    My *guess* is that the revoking of previous H1b has triggered this RFE --- When my wife's previous employer canceled her H1b it took a few months before her already approved h1b petition was reopened (as per USCIS online).

    The suspense must be terrible!

    Good luck.

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  • apt29
    12-23 04:14 PM
    Lawsuit on Visa Bulletin, Adjustment of Status | Legal Action Center (


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  • jsb
    08-15 04:21 PM
    What do these dates mean? If they are dates for who can apply in Sept, then all (those who could) have filed their AOS in July/August. Do they mean that in Sept 07 USCIS will be approving GC for those within these dates?

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  • pappu
    01-18 01:18 PM
    we need some more members to keep this effort stay ignited. This effort has helped us get several hundred members in the past few weeks. Pls continue to help. It will only take 15 min of your time.


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  • tikka
    07-04 08:25 AM
    That is a valid concern veerug brought up and it would be great if the IV core team can list how IV will complement AILF during this lawsuit.

    I understand that it may not be the right time since even now AILF is in the process of identifying a strategy and IV team may not have had time to detail this yet. But, it would help if there is a sticky with this info,probably in the same sticky that pappu posted, URGENT IV Message: Lawsuit and other update, so everyone can understand the motivation and the action items for this.

    Regarding the media drive,I believe that we have a better chance of getting more attention if we can get information on the scandal info that USCIS might have gone the extra mile to revoke July bulletin availability dates.

    Thanks for this portal for everyone to get organized on immigration issues.


    for your efforts with the DIGG drive...
    we need to continue.... where we left off

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  • Jaime
    09-10 12:19 PM
    You are long overdue for a salary raise - But you can't get more money due to current visa rules, even though you are doing work that has long-deserved a raise. Your net worth is being eroded.


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  • abhijitp
    03-25 12:14 PM
    Bumping up!
    Folks from North CA, please volunteer for the Advocacy Days! We still have a couple of sponsors waiting to help you.

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  • go_gc_way
    12-28 11:50 PM
    Anybody tried timesof India?

    I have posted there a classified in timesofindia. How to make it stand out in thousands of classifieds?

    FOLKS, PLEASE EACH POST A CLASSIFIED IN A WEB SITE ... AS Pappu has urged every one, this will help 'all of us' have more members and ease our efforts. Today we are crawling to gather the required funds, only if we had many more members , it will solve all problems .. and posting free classifieds is penny less.

    perm2gc , that's right, all IV members need send a new year gift to IV core team by posting a classified in a web site that they know regionally or any other web sites that are useful to get more members .. I will change the the name of the thread as such.

    Folks please participate more actively OR come up with new ideas that can help 'us'.

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  • desi485
    03-15 11:11 PM
    I agree with you completely ! I wish and pray Interfilers and labor substitution applicants rot in hell.

    You are a frustrated fool.

    I have a friend who despite eligible for eb2, his employer filed in eb3 without his knowledge. He only came to know about this after 3 years after his labor got approved and got I-140 approved. The employer didn't provide him any papers for labor cert but somehow he got hold of his I-140 notice approval. He changed his job now and filed eb2 with new employer. I see no reason why he should not do interfile.

    You are frustrated because of retrogression. Why don't you curse others, not those little less fortunate, from so called retrogressed countries? I have seen people in my organization coming from ROW countries and getting complete GC in less than 15 months. You should really get frustrated with country quota, not with your fellow sufferers.

    think before you act like a fool. Say honestly that you never tried any legally available shortcut in your life.

    06-13 12:59 PM
    Looks like CIR will be back

    02-21 03:46 PM
    pitha...while i bear the frustration of the doors slamming on my face in october 2005 (eb2 was current prior to that) for the sheer fact that i had an incompetent attorney during the initial days when my LC process started.....i would not go far as saying that the porters have "cheated" the system.

    The law via Chintakuntla provided that a person with a bachelors degree and 5 years experience is equal to an advanced degree holder.

    All the porters are doing is following the law. Its frustrating to people like you and me, but its their right. If i was in their position and the law allowed me to take advantage of a provision of this nature, I would gladly take it.

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